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陈爽 主任医师
学会任职: 主任委员
工作单位: 华山医院
出诊信息: 点击查看
专业: 影像医学和核医学,临床医学工程
亚专业: 临床医学工程
专业主攻方向: 骨肌系统和运动医学影像学诊断临床医学工程

主要研究方向和领域是神经系统和骨关节系统的影像诊断以及临床医学工程,特别是临床医学工程的医工交叉领域,骨科领域内的运动创伤影像诊断方面有扎实的工作基础和经验,目前致力于关节软骨的MR成像及相关代谢机制,以及骨性关节炎人工智能和运动损伤影像方面的临床及基础研究,主持上海市科委自然科学基金和国家自然科学基金面上项目及国家重点研发计划“主动健康和老龄化科技应对专项等多个项目。2016年以来,以共同第一作者和通讯作者发表SCI论著12篇,参编教材2本。 主要论文 1.  Evaluation of the Talar Cartilage in Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability with Lateral Ligament Injury Using Biochemical T2* Mapping: Correlation with Clinical Symptoms Academic Radiology, Vol ■, No ■, ■■ 2018 2.  Quantitative T2-Mapping and T2?-Mapping Evaluation of Changes in Cartilage Matrix after Acute Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture and the Correlation between the Results of Both Methods BioMed Research International,Volume 2018, Article ID 7985672, 8 pages,https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/7985672 3. Alternations of Metabolic Profiles in Synovial Fluids and the Correlation with T2 Relaxation Times of Cartilage and Meniscus—A Study on Anterior Cruciate Ligament- (ACL-)Injured Rabbit Knees at Early Stage BioMed Research InternationalVolume 2019, Article ID 8491301, 9 pages,https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/8491301 4. Quantitative T2 mapping?based tendon healing is related to the clinical outcomes during the first year after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy https://doi.org/10.1007/s00167-019-05811-w19 November 2019 5. Gadolinium-hyaluronic acid nanoparticles as an efficient and safe magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent for articular cartilage injury detection Bioactive Materials 5(2020)758-767