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江华 主任医师
学会任职: 主任委员
所属分会: 全科医学专科分会
工作单位: 东方医院
出诊信息: 点击查看
专业: 全科医学
亚专业: 全科医学
专业主攻方向: 疾病预防与健康管理,老年慢病管理,老年消化疾病诊治。

近年发表论文: 1. Ge J, Li H, Ren G, Sun X, Jiang H. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice of General Practitioners Toward Screening of Age-Related Hearing Loss in Community: A Cross-Sectional Study in Shanghai, China. J Multidiscip Healthc. 2024 Feb 7;17:557-571. 2. Ge J, Yan Y, Zhu Y, Cheng X, Li H, Sun X, Jiang H. Development and validation of the screening tool for age-related hearing loss in the community based on the information platform. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2024 Jan 11. 3. Ge J, Geng S, Gao Y, Ren G, Sun X, Jiang H. Construction and Effect of the Three-Level and Two-Stage Screening Mode for Age-Related Hearing Loss: A Study Based on the Community in Shanghai, China. Clin Interv Aging. 2023 Aug 10;18:1309-1320. 4. Gao Y, Xie D, Wang Y, Niu L, Jiang H. Short-Chain Fatty Acids Reduce Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells Loss by Inhibiting the Activation of Astrocytes via the SGK1/IL-6 Signalling Pathway. Neurochem Res. 2022 Nov;47(11):3476-3489. doi: 10.1007/s11064-022-03710-0. 5. Gao Y, Ma Y, Xie D, Jiang H. ManNAc protects against podocyte pyroptosis via inhibiting mitochondrial damage and ROS/NLRP3 signaling pathway in diabetic kidney injury model. Int Immunopharmacol. 2022 Jun;107:108711. doi: 10.1016/j.intimp.2022.108711. 6. Li Y, Yuan H, Li Q, Geng S, Chen X, Zhu Y, Jiang H. Lifestyle-based oxidative balance score and its association with cardiometabolic health of the community-dwelling elderly: A cross-sectional secondary analysis. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2022 Sep 27;9:1000546. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.1000546.. 7.  Zhu Y, Liu Y, Jiang H. Geriatric Health Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Managing the Health Crisis. Clin Interv Aging. 2022 Sep 17;17:1365-1378. doi: 10.2147/CIA.S376519. 8. Yuan H, Huang X, Li Q, Luo C, Lin C, Zhang S, Zhang Y, Yan Z, Du N, Liu Z, Jiang H, Chen B. SiRNA-circFARSA-loaded porous silicon nanomaterials for pancreatic cancer treatment via inhibition of CircFARSA expression. Biomed Pharmacother. 2022 Mar;147:112672. doi: 10.1016/j.biopha.2022.112672. 9. 葛剑力,耿莎莎,蒲琳,江华.融合式教学在全科住院医师规范化培训老年共病管理中的应用[J].中华医学教育杂志,2022,42(12):1143-1147. 10. 葛剑力,耿莎莎,段吉茸,李青青,孙晓明,江华.老年听力损失筛查模式研究进展[J].中国初级卫生保健,2022,36(11):34-38. 11.葛剑力,耿莎莎,陈昕,朱英倩,孙晓明,江华.基于全科医生的年龄相关性听力损失管理指标体系构建研究[J].中国全科医学,2022,25(34):4318-4325. 12.李扬,江华.心血管代谢性共病与抑郁症的双向关联及对全科实践的意义[J].中华全科医师杂志,2021,20(11):1187-1191. 13.陈昕,葛剑力,耿莎莎,李青青,朱英倩,袁惠潇,江华.基于“互联网+”的信息化全科住院医师规范化培训系统构建与效果初探[J].中华全科医师杂志,2021,20(06):710-713. 14.Zhu Y, Ge J, Huang C, Liu H, Jiang H. Application of mesenchymal stem cell therapy for aging frailty: from mechanisms to therapeutics. Theranostics. 2021 Mar 31;11(12):5675-5685. doi: 10.7150/thno.46436. 15.Zhu Y, Geng S, Li Q, Jiang H(通讯作者). Transplantation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells: A Potential Adjuvant Therapy for COVID-19. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2020 Nov 5;8:557652. 16.Chen X, Zhou X, Li H, Li J, Jiang H(通讯作者). The value of WeChat application in chronic diseases management in China. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2020 Nov;196:105710. 17.Zhu Y, Chen X, Geng S, Li Q, Yuan H, Zhou X, Li H, Li J, Jiang H(通讯作者). Association between ambulatory blood pressure variability and frailty among older hypertensive patients. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2020 Aug 28;22(9):1703–12. 18.Zhu Y, Li Q, Jiang H(通讯作者). Gut microbiota in atherosclerosis: focus on trimethylamine N-oxide. APMIS. 2020 May;128(5):353-366. 19.朱英倩,江华,沙雯君,雷涛.盐酸小檗碱对初发2型糖尿病患者降糖疗效及肠道菌群的影响[J].同济大学学报(医学版),2020,41(04):467-472.DOI:10.16118/j.1008-0392.2020.04.011. 20.李扬,江华.结构方程模型及其在老年衰弱研究中的应用进展[J].同济大学学报(医学版),2020,41(03):383-387.DOI:10.16118/j.1008-0392.2020.03.021. 21.Chen X, Jiang H(通讯作者).Tau as a potential therapeutic target for ischemic stroke. Aging (Albany NY). 2019 Dec 16;11(24):12827-12843. 22.Li Q, Geng S, Yuan H, Li Y, Zhang S, Pu L, Ge J, Niu X, Li Y, Jiang H(通讯作者).Circular RNA expression profiles in extracellular vesicles from the plasma of patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. FEBS Open Bio. 2019 Dec;9(12):2052-2062. 23.Xin Chen, Yingqian Zhu, Shasha Geng, Qingqing Li and Hua Jiang(通讯作者). Association of Blood Pressure Variability and Intima-Media Thickness With White Matter Hyperintensities in Hypertensive Patients. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2019 Aug 6;11:192. 24.Jianli Ge,Shasha Geng, Limei Jing, Hua Jiang(共同通讯作者) ,Xiaoming Sun. Exploration and practice of the “1 + 10 + 1100000” model. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management. 2019 Jul;34(3):1065-1072. 25.Bo X, Shi J, Liu R, Geng S, Li Q, Li Y, Jin H, Yang S, Jiang H(共同通讯作者), Wang Z. Using the Risk Factors of Pancreatic Cancer and Their Interactions in Cancer Screening:A Case-Control Study in Shanghai, China. Ann Glob Health. 2019 Jul 11;85(1). pii: 103. 26.Jianli Ge , Shasha Geng ,Hua Jiang(通讯作者).Long noncoding RNAs antisense noncoding RNA in the INK4 locus (ANRIL) correlates with lower acute exacerbation risk, decreased inflammatory cytokines, and mild GOLD stage in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease..JOURNAL OF CLINICAL LABORATORY ANALYSIS.2018;33(2). 27.Qingqing Li, Lei Yao, Youzhen Wei, Shasha Geng, Chengzhi He, Hua Jiang(通讯作者). Role of RHOT1 on migration and proliferation of pancreatic cancer. Am J Cancer Res, 2015;5(4):1460-1470 . 28.Hua Jiang(第一作者), Qingqing Li, Chengzhi He , et al. Activation of the Wnt pathway through Wnt2 promotes metastasis in pancreatic cancer. Am J Cancer Res 2014; 4(5): 537-544. 29.Sun Y, Shao L, Niu XP, Liu Y, Ge JL, Hua Jiang (通讯作者), Zhang H. Clinical effectiveness of Novolin?30R versus Lantus?combined with Glucobay?treatment in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus controlled by oral hypoglycaemic agents: A randomized study . JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL RESEARCH. 2014, 42(4):993-1001. 30.Hua Jiang(第一作者), Bensong Duan, Chengzhi He, et al. Cytoplasmic HSP90 expression is associated with perineural invasion in pancreatic cancer. Int J Clin Exp Pathol, 2014, 7(6): 3305-3311. 31.Hua Jiang(第一作者), Fengru Li, Chengzhi He, et al. Expression of Gli1 and Wnt2B correlates with progression and clinical outcome of pancreatic cancer. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2014, 7(7): 4531-4538. 32.Chengzhi He, Hua Jiang(通讯作者),Shasha Geng, et al. Expression and prognostic value of c-Myc and Fas(CD95/AP01)in patients with pancreatic cancer.Int J Clin Exp Pathol,2014,7(2):742-750. 33.Chengzhi He, Hua Jiang (通讯作者), Shasha Geng, Haihui Sheng, Xiaoying Shen,  Xiaoyan Zhang, Shizhang Zhu, Ximei Chen, Changqing Yang, HengJun Gao: Analysis of whole genomic expression profiles and screening of the key signaling  pathways associated with pancreatic cancer. Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2012;5(6):537-546. 34.Sun-yi Yuan, Yong-kun Wang, Dong-Wei Shen, Xu-jing Wang, Wei Gao, Hui Zhang, and Hua Jiang(通讯作者). Bioinformatics Method to Analyze the Mechanism of Pancreatic Cancer Disorder. Journal of Computational Biology. 2013;20(6):1-9. 35.Yi-Xuan Sun, Yin-Tao Zhao, Li-Li Teng, Jian-Li Ge, Hua Jiang(通讯作者) and Li Shao. clostridium difficile infection associated with anti-tuberculosis agents therapy in a patient with tuberculous pericarditis. Internal Medicine, 2013, 52:1495-1497. 36.Li Shao, HuaJiang(共同第一作者), Jun Liang, Xianping Niu,LiliTeng, Hua Zhang.Study on the relationship between TSH-R gene and thyroid diseases. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics 2011.61(2)377-382. 37. Li Shao, Yin-tao Zhao, Li-li Teng, Mingzhu  Li,Hua Jiang(通讯作者). Circulating Obestatin Levels Correlate with Fasting Insulin and HOMA-IR but Not with ypertension in Elderly Men. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics 2014 ,69(1):89-92. 38.消化酶制剂在老年人消化不良中应用中国专家共识(2018)-中华医学会老年医学分会老年消化学组,江华 郑松柏 龚玮琦,中华老年医学杂志。2018,37(6):605-611. 39.维生素D3 对老年高血压患者合并认知障碍的预测价值研究. 耿莎莎,江华等,《中国全科医学》,2018,21(34):4222-4226. 40.以急性肠梗阻为首发表现的急性缺血性肠坏死1例。牛宪萍 , 江华 , 刘玥 , 耿莎莎 , 陈自易。《老年医学与保健》 , 2017 (6) :584-585 41.组织芯片技术检测SFRP4在人胰腺癌组织中的表达.姚倩,李青青,江华.同济大学学报(医学版)2017, 038(004):37-40. 编著: 1.作为副主译单位,Robert E. Rakel David P. Rakel主编、曾益新主译的《全科医学》第9版,人民卫生出版社 ISBN:978-117-27231-5  2018.11 2.副主编:《消化内科学双语手册》学林出版社2011.7 3.参 编:《 全科医师临床诊断思路》,出版日期:2016年1月,同济出版社 4.参 编:《老年医学》人卫出版社 编委 2019年4月 ISBN 978-7-117-27664-1 5.参 编:《健康100岁老年病防治指南》,出版日期:2018年1月,上海科学技术出版社 6.参 编:全国高等学校八年制及“5+3”一体化临床医学专业规划教材《全科医学概论》